As a school that has witnessed a major Police incident in the close vicinity and the death of a member of staff during the school day you can never underestimate the need for emergency planning. As such, this is an essential document in planning for all eventualities, the unexpected really does happen.
— Primary Academy Headteacher

It is an excellent document. Just reading it today has identified issues that we need set up a working party to ensure maximum compliance. This set of robust procedures will sharpen our practice.
— Multi Academy Trust CEO

We fully support the provision of this emergency planning guide and would encourage all schools to develop plans to deal with a wide range of emergencies. Experience shows that being prepared can improve the response to an incident, assist in mitigating the impact and help with the recovery process, so regularly testing and reviewing emergency plans is essential.
— Kent Fire and Rescue Service

When faced with an unexpected threat or difficult situation, this document will save time and ensure the right decisions and actions are taken and that communication between professionals remains effective and safeguards all stakeholders.
— Primary School Headteacher

The Emergency Planning Guidance is very useful to headteachers who may need that little extra support when considering what important actions to take when planning emergency procedures. Covering more than just the expected catastrophic events that every head dreads (such as bomb threats and fire damage), the guidance gives practical help in the form of resource and book lists – pointing you in the right direction to support parents, pupils and staff through each emergency. I have this document permanently attached to my desktop – as in an emergency, I know I’ll want this guidance exactly where I can find it!
— Primary Academy Trust CEO

In an increasingly unpredictable world taking the actions necessary to enable personal and organisational resilience makes ever more sense. ‘Emergency Planning for Schools’ provides a valuable, and eminently practical, resource for schools and all those involved in education. This guidance complements and supports the development of vital site specific emergency and business continuity plans.
— Local Authority Resilience and Emergency Team

Whilst I very much hope I will never have to use the code word or indeed any of the scenarios listed in this document it is an invaluable guide for all headteachers. Thank you for producing this for us and saving us hours producing one of our own.
— Primary School Headteacher